Category Archives: Chiropody

Did you know Warts are often confused with corns?

Our Oakville Chiropodists often assess patients who have warts thinking they are corns, and vice versa. Warts, or verrucae, are often confused with corns.

In a previous blog post, we go more into detail about corns and corn treatment. In a nutshell, corns are the result of friction or pressure and warts form as a result of a viral infection.

Warts, while considered to be harmless can be unsightly and cause pain and discomfort. While there are many over the counter products available to treat warts, the diagnosis of the wart is important (remember, people mistake them for corns all the time!).

A Chiropodist will be able to identify if it is a wart and provide you with a number of treatment options the are proven to work.

Diabetic foot screening at oakville, Halton foot clinic by a chiropodist

Anyone can have plantar warts, but they are more common in youth and immunosuppressed people. Warts are highly infectious and pass easily from person to person. Pools and change rooms are common areas of transmission.

Your Chiropodist, or foot specialist will first identify and diagnoses what is bothering you on your foot. They will then discuss with you what may be the best treatment options for you. Remember, they are a partner in your health.

If you would like to book in with one of our North Oakville Chiropodists contact us, we are more than happy to help!

What are Corns? From and Oakville Foot Clinic

Many people relate foot care from our Oakville Chiropodists being related to foot care for seniors and diabetic foot care. We do also treat other uncomfortable foot issues like corns, calluses, ingrown toenails, thickened toenails and cracking heels.

While there are over the counter products you can try for many foot issues, it’s important to use the right tool for specific issues. Also, these over the counter solutions may not be as strong or work as quickly as what a Chiropodist can help you with for your feet.

What is a Corn?

A corn is an area of thickened skin that develops in response to areas of pressure or irritation. A corn can happen anywhere on the foot. Corns may be located on the top of the toes, especially where someone has hammer toes. Corns may also be loaned on the bottom of the feet where there are areas of pressure, such as the ball of your foot.

Corns are often thicker and smaller, and often deeper than the thickening of a callus.

No, corns are not contagious (like warts), but they can cause discomfort and more serious issues in people who have circulatory issues or are diabetic. It is important to have your feet checked and treated regularly by a trained medical professional, like a chiropodist using sterile tools, if you have diabetes or circulatory issues and have corns.

If you have circulatory issues or diabetes, over the counter remedies are not suggested. They can often do more harm than good.

Your Visit with the Chiropodist

The first time you visit one of our North Oakville Chiropodists they will take a thorough health history. The Chiropodist will inspect your feet thoroughly, they will see how you stand and walk. They will also want to take a look at your shoes.

Based on this assessment, the Chiropodist will suggest a course of treatment or your corn. Sometimes people are surprised it is a corn because they thought it was a wart, and vice versa. They will often suggest footwear and padding options as well.

Because corns can be cause by areas of pressure, which may be from our foot structure, additional follow-ups down the road may be needed. The time between appointments should be longer when you support the foot and protect areas from pressure and rubbing.

Our Chiropodists are happy to see you in our North Oakville clinic for any foot discomfort you may have. We know how important foot health is important for overall health.

Contact us to book an appointment.

Find the Running Shoes for You – From an Oakville Chiropodist

Many people have started new activities lately. Maybe their previous pass times still aren’t running, or they’ve decided to branch out and try something new. A key piece of equipment for many activities that is often overlooked is shoes.

Having proper training footwear, or running shoes helps lower the risk of injury. When starting a new activity, or participating in a familiar one, there is always a risk of doing too mush too soon. Having proper footwear is vital in the prevention of tendonitis, joint pain and stress fractures.

Benefits of Good Training / Running Shoes:

  • Cushioning for your feet: cushioning helps absorb some impact from the surface of movement. Cushioning that’s focussed on the midsole helps decrease stress on the feet and ankles. Cushioning also helps protect the joints above, in the back, hips and knees.
  • Better joint alignment: a well structured shoe with proper cushioning and arch support helps ensure the alignment of the joints of the ankle, knees, and hips. This protects them from overuse and wear as well.
  • Arch support: whether you have flat feet, or high arches, having proper arch support helps support the joints and ligaments of the feet. Your Chiropodist can help determine the right balance or support for you based on your arch.
  • Performance: increased comfort, better alignment, and energy conservation can all add up to help performance.
bare feet showing Halton foot clinic for foot pain

Type of Foot Contact:

Whether you have a high arch or a flat arch, your foot may pronate, over-pronate or supinate as you go through your stride. You may glean information about this by the wear pattern on your old shoes as well as video of your running with and without shoes. Any of these positions aren’t inherently “wrong”, but your foot can be supported to optimize positioning for you.


Over-pronation – positioning that puts the most weight on the inner edge of the foot. Someone with type of foot may benefit from more of a motion-control shoe. These shoes provide more stability for someone who may be more hyper mobile as well.

Supination – positioning that puts the most weight on the outer edge of the heel and foot. These types of feet often do well with a little more cushioning and flexibility to the shoe.

Specific Running Shoe Types:

  • Everyday Running Shoes” – These are typical training shoes. They can be used for most daily running / training activities. These runners can be used for treadmill running, track training and sidewalk/pavement running.
  • Trail Running Shoes – these are more durable, have better tread for foot placement and have stronger soles.
  • Lightweight / Minimalist shoes – These are best for serious runners and generally used for races. Your running coach ca help you choose a shoe that is lightweight to maximize energy efficiency in your races.
foot pain and custom orthotics in an oakville physio clinic

Many people reach to minimalist shoes for everyday shoes. To run into a store or have on casually they are generally “ok”. For longer standing, walking and running there is generally not enough cushioning, or arch support for most people. These often contribute to overuse type soft tissue issues, like achilles tendinitis or plantar fasciitis.

Our Oakville Chiropodists (foot specialists) can asses how you stand, and move to help direct you to the best training, walking, and running shoes for you. Shoes are a tool to help prevent injury and to help with performance. Be proactive with your foot and joint health through your activities and footwear choices. Some people may benefit from

Contact our North Oakville Foot Clinic to book an appointment. Most foot care (Chiropody) appointments can be covered under private insurance. It will generally be listed as Chiropody or “Podiatric Footcare”.

Thick Toenails – What is Nail Psoriasis?

Our last foot care blog post from our Oakville foot clinic addressed the topic of thick toenails. More specifically it addressed fungal toenails as a cause of thickened toenails. It went on to address how a Chiropodist (foot care specialist) can assist you in the assessment and treatment of your feet.

oakville foot clinic treating thick toenails

Another culprit leading to thickened toenails is called Nail Psoriasis.

What is Nail Psoriasis?

Many people have heard the term Psoriasis. Psoriasis is a common skin condition. It can also affect the nails. Nail psoriasis leads to thickened nails and toenails. There may also be areas of pitting, ridging and / or abnormal contour.

The toenails may be discoloured, have ridges or grooves and be thickened. The toenails may also lift or separate from the nailbed.

It is often the case that nail psoriasis occurs with psoriasis of the skin. It presents in the skin with patches of redness and crusty flaky skin covered with scales. Typical locations for skin psoriasis include the elbows, knees, scalp and trunk.

There are people who also have psoriatic arthritis. This is an issue diagnosed with a rheumatologist. It tends to affect the sacroilliac joint, the toes and other structures of the body including the tendons. Your Physiotherapist is a helpful ally in the treatment of body aches, pains, and injuries related to psoriatic arthritis.

Psoriasis is thought to be caused by a problem with the immune system.

Treatment for Nail Psoriasis

Your family physician or dermatologist, or rheumatologist may prescribe medications for your psoriasis in general.

Nail creams may be prescribed by your Chiropodist. They would be rubbed into and around the nail. These may be corticosteroid cream, vitamin D or antimetabolites.

In more serious cases corticosteroid injections may be provided under the nail.

Unlike fungal toenails, thick toenails from psoriasis is not contagious. If you are concerned that you may her a fungal toenail infection or nail psoriasis, our North Oakville Chiropodists are happy to consult with you during an individualized assessment, and help provide you with treatment options.

Contact us to book an appointment. (905) 582 9700

Thick Toenails From an Oakville Chiropodist

Thickened toenails is something our Oakville Chiropodists commonly treat. Thick toenails are particularly common in the elderly population and in people with diabetes.

While it is easy to ignore thick toenails and put on socks to hide them, they will not get better on their own. Thickened toenails are usually a sign of having an underlying problem that should be addressed.

What Causes Thickened Toenails?

Thickened toenails are usually the result of either a fungal infection or psoriasis. Some other possible causes of thick toenails include diabetes, aging, yellow nail syndrome, injury to the nail, and rams horn nails (onchygryphosis).

Fungal Nail Infections

The most common cause of thick toenails are fungal nail infections. the medical term for a fungal nail infection is onychomycosis or tine unguium

Symptoms of Fungal Nail Infections:

You may notice that fungal nail infections usually develop initially around the edge of the nail and the spreads towards the nails middle.

With the fungal infection spreading, the nail thickens and becomes discoloured. The discolouration of the fungal nail is usually yellow, white, brown or black. The toenails with fungal infections become more brittle as they thicken. Small pieces of the nail may even break off.

When the toenail fungal infection worsens you may notice pain as some swelling may develop around and under the nail. The toenail may also lift from the nail bed. You may notice an unpleasant odour as a result of the infection.

As symptoms worsen from a fungal toenail infection, this is often when people seek the expertise of our Oakville Chiropodist. While a fungal toenail infection is very treatable with the help of a foot specialist such as a Chiropodist, like many things it’s best to treat it early.

What are the causes of toenail fungus?

Thickened toenail fungus infections are typically caused by:

  • Aging – fungal toenail infections are most common in those over 60 years of age. This is because nails naturally are a little thicker and slower to grow with age/ the blood supply also decreases especially in people prone to vascular issues or with atherosclerosis, leading to increase risk of fungal toenail infection.
  • Health Conditions – such as diabetes, circulatory problems and psoriasis
  • Weakened Immune System – decreases your bodies natural ability to fight fungal infections
  • Nail Injury – damage to toenails allows fungus to potentially invade and infect the nail
  • Poor Foot Hygiene-failing to keep the feet clean and dry. Wear sandals in public change rooms and showers and dry your feet before putting on socks. Change socks after a workout also.
  • Walking Barefoot – in areas such as swimming pools, public showers and gyms.
  • Footwear – shoes that are too tight and shoes that don’t allow your feet to breathe leading them to become hot and sweaty are the ideal breeding ground for fungus

If you do have a fungal toenail infection, they can be highly contagious. It is vital to help prevent spreading the infection. Keep your feet clean and dry as well as covered.

Treatment for Fungal Toenail Infections:

After confirming the diagnosis of fungal toenail infection with your Chiropodist, they will discuss your treatment options. Your Chiropodist may suggest treatment for your fungal toenails that include one or a couple of the following:

  • Medications – these may be oral or topical. They will be able to help you choose what is best based on your medical history and your toenails. These can take some time so it is important to be patient while continuing to be impeccable with your foot hygiene.
  • Nail Removal.
  • Natural Remedies such as tea tree oil.
  • Good Foot Hygiene
  • Wear well-fitting breathable footwear
  • keep your toenail trimming equipment to yourself
oakville foot clinic treating thick toenails

Call our North Oakville foot clinic to book in with our Chiropodist. (905)582-9700.

Custom Orthotics – 2019

It’s hard to believe that the end of 2019 is fast approaching. This is often the time of year when people have a “foot check-up” with our Oakville Chiropodist, and often get a new pair of custom orthotics.

Private benefits often restart at the beginning of the calendar year, so this is a rime that people like to make sure they are all set with their orthotics and compression socks. If you are unsure what your benefits allow for in terms of pairs of custom orthotics / year or every 2 years call the phone number on your benefits card, or look into your benefits package.

foot pain and custom orthotics in an oakville physio clinic

People find relief with custom orthotics for a variety of reasons:

  • They can unload pressure points and prevent pressure ulcers in people who have diabetes.
  • Help relieve pain for those with osteoarthritis of the knee, feet, hips, ankles and toes.
  • Help relieve pain from plantar fasciitis (foot pain in the bottoms of the feet)
  • Offload areas of pressure in high and low arches.
  • Prevent corns
  • Prevent and relieve metatarsalgia (pain at the ball of the foot)

For many people custom made orthotics work well in conjunction with physiotherapy and exercise therapy.

Our last date for Orthotics appointments, to ensure you have your orthotics dispensed to you before the end of the year is DECEMBER 10, 2019.

If you have any questions please call our Oakville office (905) 582-9700

Fungal Toenails? – From an Oakville Chiropodist

Many people have early signs of fungal toenails (onychomycosis) without even knowing it. Toenail fungus is caused by a group of fungi called dermophytes. Toenails may become thickened, brittle and deformed. Toenails may also be discoloured, looking yellowish or brownish. Toenails may even fall off.

Fungus lives and thrives in warm, moist areas. This is why it is easy to pick up nail fungus from public showers, locker rooms and swimming pools.

While anyone can have foot (athlete foot) and toenail fungus, those most at risk have underlying health conditions. This include diabetes, peripheral vascular disease, other circulation issues, people who have compromised immune systems and the elderly population

Fungal toenails is an issue that can be difficult to treat. Treatment requires compliance of the patient, and may last over weeks to months. This includes some treatments in clinic and consistent self-care at home.

Your assessment with our Oakville Chiropodist includes a health history, what medications you are taking and what previous treatments you have tried. To best treat you, your Chiropodist (foot specialist) needs to understand the history of the issue and other factors that will influence how they progress with fungal toenail treatment.

Treatment for fungal toenails by a Chiropodist may include oral medications or topical treatments. This will depend on their discussion with you and what was disclosed in your health history. It is advised to avoid home remedies before consulting with a Registered Chiropodist as you do not know whether you may be doing more harm than good.

Preventing Ingrown Toenails – From an Oakville Chiropodist

Ingrown toenails can be annoying, uncomfortable and even painful. If they are treated improperly or a person has decreased sensation in the feet, they can become infected and even dangerous.

Like many things, preventing ingrown toenails before they even happen ensures you don’t have to deal with them.

While there may be some genetic component to ingrown toenails, there is still much that can be done to prevent them.

Proper Toenail Trimming

Cut toenails in a fairly straight line. Avoid cutting your toenails too short. This prevents your skin from overgrowing the nail. As a quick test, you should be able to get you fingernails under the sides and end of the nail.

If you have diabetes, cannot reach your feet, have dexterity issues with the clipping hands, or have sensory issues causing you to be unable to feel your feet, it is best to have a Chiropodist provide foot care for you. The tools they use are sterilized using an autoclave and are only used on your feet before being sterilized again.

Wear Well Fitted Shoes and Socks

Avoid wearing both shoes that are too small and shoes that are too big. Shoes that are too large cause greater impact of the toenails especially with running or brisk walking. Shoes that are too tight can also damage the toenail leading to ingrown toenails.

Hikers muddy boots on forest trail

If you are unsure if you have an ingrown toenail read our previous blog post for some of the signs and symptoms and possible treatments. Contact us to book in with our Oakville Chiropodist (Foot Specialist) for routine foot care, ingrown toenail assessment / treatment and other foot care needs. Most private health care plans cover foot treatment by a Registered Chiropodist, but we always suggest you check with you individual policy.

Painful Ingrown Toenail?

Did you know: Ingrown Toenails can be treatment and managed by Chiropodists.

What is an Ingrown Toenail?

A toenail that is “ingrown” is curved and grows into the skin. This usually occurs at the sides of the nail or the borders of the toenail. This can irritate the skin, causing redness, swelling and warmth around the area of the toe.

Ingrown toenails can progress to infection if the nail, breaking the skin causes bacteria to enter. Many people self-treat ingrown toenails, trying to “dig” them out this can increase the risk of infection. Hopefully upon signs of an ingrown toenail, you see a Chiropodist for treatment and management techniques to help avoid infection.

What are the Signs of Infection?

The area of an infected ingrown toenail may have drainage and a foul odour. It may have increased swelling, redness and pain as well.

Your Chiropodist may help some of the fund drain and teach you how to keep it clean. Chiropodists are also able to prescribe topical or oral antibiotics as appropriate for the individual.

What Causes Ingrown Toenails?

  • Trauma – this may include stubbing the toe, running, or having an eject fall on the toe. Trauma can alter the growth pattern of the toenail leading to an ingrown toenail.
  • Improper Trimming – this is the most common cause of ingrown toenails. Cutting the toenail too short may lead to the skin next to the nail growing over the toenail.
  • Improperly sized footwear- avoid earring shoes that are too tight. This can case trauma to the area.
  • Nail Conditions – this includes fungal infections
  • Heredity – the tendency for ingrown toenails in many people can be inherited

Treatment for Ingrown Toenails:

In an otherwise healthy person, some preliminary treatment at home is safe. If an infection is suspected or if there are complicating medical conditions such as diabetes, peripheral vascular disease, poor circulation or other sensory issues of the foot, self-treatment is strongly discouraged.

Professional hardware pedicure using electric machine.Patient on medical pedicure procedure, visiting podiatrist. Peeling feet with special electric device. Foot treatment in SPA salon. Podiatry clinic.

Home Treatment

It is best to see a Chiropodist (Foot Specialist) for a consultation to ensure there is no infection. They will then provide you with education specific to your situation.

In Clinic Chiropodist Foot Care

This is the first step if you have complicating medical issues as discussed above


Sometimes initial treatment for ingrown toenails can be safely performed at home. However, home treatment is strongly discouraged if an infection is suspected, or for those who have medical conditions that put feet at high risk, such as diabetes, nerve damage in the foot, or poor circulation.

After a thorough examination of the area the Chiropodist will discuss treatment options with you. They may prescribe an oral antibiotic if infection is present.

If it is a recurrent ingrown toenail, the Chiropodist may suggest a procedure to help remove the ingrown part of the toenail. This includes a small injection of a freezing agent and removal of the toenails borders and potentially root.

There is no need to suffer with a chronic or persistent ingrown toenail. Consult with our Oakville / Halton Chiropodist today regarding your treatment options for ingrown toenails as well as other foot care issues.

Do your Shoe’s Fit? From an Oakville Chiropodist

If the shoes fits….

Or something like that.

It’s easy to get fixated on what we believe or have been told in the past is our shoe size. The fit and comfort of the actual shoe is what’s most important. The is because even in the same brand of shoes, you may be a different size with different types of shoes.

Don’t squeeze your feet into shoes that are too small because you want them to be that size.

foot pain and custom orthotics in an oakville physio clinic

When you’re trying on shoes make sure you are standing and fully weight bearing through your foot. You want to make sure that your longest toe (usually your first or second toe) are 3/8″ to 5/8″ from the end of the shoe. This ensures you have some space for movement and to accommodate swelling / fullness as the day progresses.

With regards to the width of the shoe, there shouldn’t be any overhang or bulging over the sole of the shoe. If there is it is an indication that the shoe is too small. If the fabric bunches or your foot is sliding from side to side, this may be a sign that the shoe is too wide for you.

Ensuring you have footwear that fits properly is essential for the health of your feet, and can translate to your body above. In shoes that are too large you may work your feet and toes extra hard by gripping into the sole and taking smaller steps. You may even be at risk for ankle sprains or other injuries due to trips and falls. In shoes that are too small your toes can become crowded and lead to the development or worsening of bunions.

There are some people with different sized feet, up to a few sizes. There are some stores that allow you to purchase a pair of shoes in two different sizes rather than buying two pairs of shoes.

Happy face feet showing best oakville foot clinic, chiropodist, orthotics

For more specific answers regarding your feet and footwear choices, our Oakville Chiropodist is always here to help!(905) 582-9700