What is Telehealth or Virtual Physiotherapy?
Telehealth and in this case, tele-rehabilitation is the remote delivery on healthcare services. We can provide Physiotherapy, preferably by video according to our College of Physiotherapists of Ontario. We will be using the terms Telehealth, virtual physiotherapy, and online consultation interchangeably.
Is Telehealth Right for me?
Most people requiring physiotherapy can benefit from accessing it virtually. If you are unsure of how we can help you please contact us and we can help answer any questions you may have.
What does a Virtual Physiotherapy Appointment Look Like?
- You will be sent an appointment link after you book formally with us. This link will allow you to access your appointment on your smartphone, tablet, laptop or desktop computer.
- Your Physiotherapist will provide a thorough assessment via video. They will ask you the history of what you are seeking treatment for, as well as more questions to help give the Physio a clear picture.
- The Physiotherapist may ask you to show the area if appropriate (they may be looking for bruising, redness, swelling and compare it to the other side)
- Based on your responses to the questions asked by the Physio, you will likely be asked to do some movements that assess range of motion, strength or function
- Your Physiotherapist will take the information gained from the initial part of the assessment and the more active portion and formulate an opinion and / or diagnosis. This opinion, and your goals, will help the Physio formulate a treatment that day and a plan for the future
- The biggest thing Physiotherapists can provide to you is education and exercise. You may be surprised to see how effective this type of Physiotherapy can be!
- If you are requiring of more time due to communication differences and require us to type or vice versa please let us know and we can accommodate that!
What Might be included in Virtual / Online Physio Consultations?
Our Ontario based Physiotherapists CAN provide:
- Education – One of the main things a Physiotherapist can give you is eduction on what’s going on and how to proceed safely
- Teaching you self mobilization techniques (or for a loved one to assist safely)
- Self-Massage and soft tissue techniques
- Stretching exercises for home, sport, work
- Strengthening exercises for home, sport, work
- Balance exercises
- Core stabilization exercises
- Functional exercises
- Ergonomic advice for home (video Physiotherapy in your own home we can see how you lift laundry, moved clothes in and out, make the bed, put your baby in the crib, get up and down from the ground, garden etc.)
- Ergonomic advice for your home office – many people are in the position of having a impromptu home office set-up using dining room tables, and laptops we can do a thorough assessment and get you going in a more comfortable way.
- Posture and sleeping advice
- Home yoga classes
We Cannot:
- Provide manual therapy (hands-on)
- Provide acupuncture of dry needling
I see that you offer Physiotherapy for infants, children, and youth, can you do Online Physiotherapy for paediatric patients?
- Yes!
- With a parent present we can run full session of play based physiotherapy / age appropriate exercises
- We are able to offer environmental suggestions, positioning and suggestions for your babies
- Torticollis sessions would show you stretches, positioning and activity based treatment. We’ll be online for the session giving advice and demonstrating for you!
What Equipment do I Need for my Online Physiotherapy appointment?
- An emergency contact should something happen to you during your session
- We recommend a device that is mobile like your smart phone, a tablet, or a laptop but a desk top is fine!
- The device you use should have a camera
- If you have wireless / bluetooth earbuds or headphones this may be helpful if we get you moving away from the video source during the online Physio assessment or treatment
- Lighting – ideally the space used has lighting that allows a clear picture
- Clothing – wear something that is easy to move in. For example, if you have a shoulder issue, a tank top will be great or a halter, if its a knee issue shorts are perfect.
- Adequate internet signal
- We will work with what you have at home in terms of exercise equipment
How Effective is Telehealth / Virtual Physiotherapy Compared to In-Person Sessions?
- Recent studies have shown a 90% agreement between Telehealth and in-person practitioners for accuracy of diagnosis for clients
- Studies have shown close to 80% satisfaction with Telehealth compared to in person sessions
- Our patients have been pleasantly surprised by how effective they have found this new experience of Telehealth Physio
- If you have any concerns about this we are happy to set up a brief chat to see if a Telehealth / virtual Physiotherapy assessment / treatment are appropriate for you and to put your mind at ease.
Is Virtual Physiotherapy Covered by 3rd Party Insurers?
- Yes! In Ontario many 3rd party insurers have allowed Telehealth Physio to be covered.
- It is still fairly new and ever changing so we highly encourage you to check with your individual provider.
- At this time Sunlife, Canada Life, Manulife, and in some cases Blue Cross are providing coverage.
Who can Treat you via Telehealth?
- Our clinic is in Oakville, Ontario and all of our Physiotherapists are registered in Ontario, as such we can treat anyone who resides in Ontario, remotely.
- If you have travelled out of Halton or live elsewhere in Ontario, we can treat you via Telehealth Physiotherapy / online consultation.
How do I Schedule an Appointment for Virtual Physiotherapy?
Booking a virtual (telehealth) Physio appointment with us is the same as it has always been!
You can book online, email, or call to book. Initially we will be accepting payment in full via electronic email transfer.
We can submit on your behalf, for your insurance to reimburse you.
What information is provided on my Virtual Physiotherapy Receipt?
You will receive a full receipt after payment and an additional one after your online physiotherapy appointment. You will have all the necessary information to submit to your private insurance provider if necessary. This pain invoice will show: patient name, date of birth, address, date of appointment, duration of appointment, treating Ontario Physiotherapist, The treating Physio’s college registration number. The paid invoice will also indicate that a virtual physiotherapy appointment has taken place.
If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact the clinic. Please call (905)582-9700 and leave us a message or email palermophysio@gmail.com or info@palermophysio.ca. We will be happy to help in any way we can.
Thank you to everyone for all your support during Covid time. We in turn are here for you too! If your situation has changed since we last saw you (like many of us), with regards to coverage, please reach out. We are happy to work with you to ensure you have the care that you need to progress.