This is a question we receive frequently at our North Oakville clinic.
The short answer is yes. We are able to direct bill to insurance.
Here is the “long answer”
- We are able to direct bill to most insurance companies. Most private / work insurance companies allow us to direct bill on your behalf. In order for us to do this you need to fill out paperwork that allows us to do this.
- Most insurance companies allow us to direct bill for certain services. This includes physio, massage, and acupuncture. Chiropody, or foot care specialists generally do not allow this.
- Everyone’s insurance is different with regards to direct billing. This is based on your employer and their arrangements with the insurance. Not everyone with the same insurance provider has the same coverage or the same rules with regards to direct billing. For example, we may be able to provide direct billing for Sunlife for one person but not another due to coverage difference.
- Usually we are able to at the very least submit your physio or massage to insurance and they will reimburse you. This will still require you to pay after your treatment.
- Some private benefits require a doctors referral before the will start to reimburse you for massage therapy or physio treatments. Read HERE for more information on this.
- You are responsible for understanding your own private benefits. The coverage for each service may be different. You will have a total dollar amount per year available. Each service will also have a percentage coverage or maximum per treatment. For example you may have a maximum of $1000 per year for physiotherapy. Each physiotherapy visit may be covered for up to 80% or maximum of a certain dollar amount.
While we do our best to direct bill on your behalf for physio, massage and acupuncture, what we are able to do for you is dependent on your own personal insurance.
Contact us at our North Oakville clinic if you have more questions or would like to book in with one of our Physiotherapists, RMT’s, Acupuncturist, Chiropodists (foot care specialists).