Our bodies are made to move! At our Oakville Physio, Massage, Yoga Therapy and Foot Clinic, our practitioners often advise people to take small breaks at work to change their position as well as do some light stretches to help prevent aches and pains. They also show them which ones are most appropriate for them based on their activities and occupation.
Many people have made the transition at work and even home from sitting desks to standing desks that allow them to modify their position throughout the day. With this change people have been standing for longer periods of time causing an increase in prevalence of plantar fasciitis, achilles tendinopathy, shin splints and knee pain. Don’t get us wrong – Standing desks are an amazing option for those who have been lucky enough to get them at work. But there are some ways to make the transition to this new desk easier on your body.
Here are some tips to help make the transition to a sit-stand desk easier:
- Use an anti-fatigue mat – stand on a more forgiving surface – you may see you hairdresser using them.
- Wear Good Footwear – standing for long periods of time with high heels increases the pressure on the balls of your feet as well as tighten your calf muscles and sole of the foot. Wear shoes with a supportive sole as well as arch support. Chiropodist Arien would be happy to assess your foot and show you the best options for you!
- Change Positions – having a standing desk can do wonders for your back if sitting
A sit / stand stool is a great option! for long periods of time has been bothering it but standing in one spot can also bother your back. Changing positions from sitting to standing, to leaning on a stool, to resting your foot on a surface in front of you can all be useful strategies during the day.
- Stretch your Calves – your muscles will be working differently as it gets used to standing.
- Ensure a Good Workstation Set-up – just as having a proper workstation set-up with a sitting desk, it is important to have someone adjust your standing work station for you. This will ensure you bring it up to a level where the monitor and the mouse is in the best position for you.
- Ease into It – As with any activity our body responds to progressive load. Transition your body into standing for longer periods of time, don’t jump right into full days of standing
As always we are happy at Palermo Physiotherapy and Wellness Centre to answer any of your questions. Call to book an appointment or find us at: www.palermophysio.ca.