Now that we’re well into 2019, its a good idea to take a moment to check in with our fitness-based new year’s resolutions. Many people include working out or eating healthier in their goals for the New Year. Though most people start off strong, statistics show that about 80% of resolutions are abandoned by February. So why does this happen even though we start off with the best of intentions?
Reasons Resolutions Fail
- Feeling Overwhelmed – sometimes our goals seem too broad to achieve. Ex: I will work out 5 days a week. Though it might be possible as an end goal, it would be hard to go from not working out at all to every day of the week. Break down your resolution into steps. For example, start off with working out once or twice a week and then increase your frequency as you make it a habit.
- Feeling Discouraged – you might start increasing your activity level and then don’t see the progress you were expecting. Or you have a hard time making it to the gym and feel like you are failing. Progress takes time. Making realistic goals is helpful in this. Small goals add up to the big one.
- No Social Support – you might feel alone or exhausted in your journey. It’s helpful to have someone in your life to hold you accountable for your resolutions. This person should be someone that is able to be firm with you and encourage you on your journey.
- Non-Meaningful Goal – you know you want to work out more but you don’t know why. The more you can identify the reason why this goal is important to you, the more likely you will succeed.
Tips for Success
- Start Small – again, try not to go from 0 to 100. Increase your working out regimen gradually. You might even start with walking more around your neighbourhood or doing a short exercise routine within your own home.
- Re-Evaluate your Goal – a couple of weeks into the New Year you might have a better understanding of how well you’ve been sticking to your goal. It is not a failure to modify. You may have to change the frequency or intensity of working out.
- Don’t Beat Yourself Up – we’re humans, we’re not perfect. Not everything we set out to do will go seamlessly the first time we try. If you missed a week of working out, don’t abandon your resolution completely. Each day is a new start.
- Celebrate your Wins – reward yourself for the progress you’ve made so far. Try and self-reflect on your resolutions on a monthly basis and check on your progress. If you’ve been doing well, treat yourself to a nice dinner or buy something nice for yourself.
Good luck in achieving your goals!