Our Oakville Chiropodists (foot care specialists) treat many things that the general population may not realize. From corns and calluses to treating athletes foot and thickened toenails, Chiropodists treat most foot related issues.

Chiropodists also help manage ingrown toenails. From conservative routine toenail management, to more permanent ingrown toenail procedures, Chiropodists can help decrease pain and infection related to ingrown toenails. For someone who has Diabetes or a decreased sensation or healing capacity, an infected ingrown toenail can be a serious issue.
Like most things we encourage people to come in early to address foot issues and certainly if there is an infection.
Signs of an infected ingrown toenail include:
- Redness
- Pain
- Oozing liquid
- Odour

At a typical visit with our Oakville Chiropodists, they will communicate with you their diagnosis as well as treatment options. They will want to make sure that you understand and are comfortable with your choices regarding your feet and your health. This is not only for Podiatric foot care regarding ingrown toenails, but also warts, corns, calluses, foot pain etc.