Getting back to the Gym!

Oakville Physio showing gym on vacation

We’re so pleased for our Oakville and Halton neighbours who are able to re-open!

We know how difficulty it can be to restart and get going again.

We also know that many of our patients and other gym-goers will be eager to return to their regular programming.

If you do not have a coach or personal trainer who is guiding your return, it can be easy to do too much too soon.

If you have all the “typical” equipment at home and not much had changed with regards to your training and workouts then this info may not be for you.

Our Oakville Physiotherapists and Massage Therapists, often see people when seasons transition or when they begin a new activity for overuse-type injuries and aches and pains from doing too much too soon. in a nutshell this means doing more than your tissues have ben able to adapt to.

Dumbells showing oakville physio clinic near Bronte

We know that the human body is adaptable and resilient.

This is the whole principle that we can improve and get stronger, more powerful and more explosive with gradual progression. It is also a principle that can help guide rehabilitation and recovery.


As you get back to the gym, ease in gradually. Your chosen weights and reps may (and probably should) look different than when you left the gym in 2020. Allow yourself and your body time to adapt and rebuild back to where you left.

The goal is to stay active and in the gym or home workouts. Don’t let an injury sideline you from an activity that can help build your immunity and decrease your stress levels!