It is officially fall and as the leaves change in the Oakville, Burlington and Milton area, so too may our fitness activities. Don’t let cooler weather or a change in your daily scheduling prevent you from continuing with your health and fitness goals. The Huffington Post has posted a good list of 10 tips for fall fitness you can access by clicking here.
It is a great time to get outdoors and enjoy the fall colours. There are plenty of trails and parks to enjoy in this area such as Bronte Creek and in the West Oak and Glen Abbey residential area. If you’re willing to venture further on a weekend the parks along the Escarpment are always a nice treat (Mount Nemo, Rattlesnake Point etc).
Make sure to layer your clothing if you’re under shaded areas as the sun makes a big difference in the temperature this time of year. Also make sure if you’re hiking to wear good shoes that prevent you from slipping (or stick to more open trails).